property in Dubai 2024 The additional costs of purchasing.
a property in Dubai in 2024 are amounts in excess.
of the price of the property.
They are also known as taxes and fees.
which we will review in the following article:
Fees and costs before purchasing property in Dubai:
- There are a set of fees that the buyer or investor.
- must know before coming to the UAE.
- In order to buy a property in Dubai, because this is considered.
- paying amounts that may be too much for some people.
- These costs are:
property in Dubai 2024
1-Government fees:
- Paid when purchasing any type of residential property.
- Such as an apartment or a villa.
- The Emirate of Dubai set its percentage at 2% of.
- the property value.
- Paid to the Dubai Land Department.
2- Ownership certificate:
- The fee for obtaining the ownership certificate is 250 dirhams.
3- The land map is not subject to the Dubai Authority:
- Its fees are set at 100 dirhams.
4-A unified land map with the municipality:
- Its value is 225 dirhams.
5- Apartment map:
- 250 dirhams.
6-Villa map:
- 250 dirhams.
- For each knowledge fee, 10 dirhams.
- For each innovation fee, 10 dirhams.
9-Service partner fees:
- If the value of purchasing a property in Dubai is equal.
- to or more than 500 thousand dirhams.
- The fees are 4,000 dirhams in addition to.
- the value of the added tax.
- If the value of the property is less than 500 thousand dirhams.
- The fee is 2000 dirhams in addition to the value of the added tax.
property in Dubai 2024
10-Real estate agents fees:
- Agents charge 2% of the property value.
11-Loan registration fee:
- When going to buy a property in Dubai via a bank loan.
- You must pay 0.25% of the value of this loan.
- Additional costs of buying a property in Dubai 2024.
Fees and costs after purchasing a property in Dubai:
- After the purchase transaction is completed and ownership.
- of the property is transferred from the name of.
- the seller to the name of the buyer.
- There are additional fees that the new owner will have to pay:
1-Connecting electricity and water services:
- These fees are paid to the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.
- In exchange for delivering these services to the property.
- It is as follows:
- Amount insurance of 2,000 dirhams for apartments.
- and 4,000 dirhams for villas.
- The fee for operating electricity and water services.
- is 100 dirhams for small meters, 300 dirhams for large meters.
- Customer registration: 10 dirhams.
- Knowledge fees: 10 dirhams.
- Innovation fees: 10 dirhams.
- Additional costs of buying a property in Dubai 2024.
property in Dubai 2024
2-Services and maintenance:
- These are fees to be paid in exchange for municipal.
- services in the property area.
- The Rest Dubai application saves time and effort.
- when paying service fees through it.
- Costs vary from one property to another depending on.
- its location.
- Its value can be verified via the application itself.
- It is an optional fees paid to the insurance company.
- chosen by the customer to insure his property.
- Insurance fees vary from one company to another.
- Golden Investment Group recommends contacting.
- it to find out the best insurance companies in Dubai.
- Additional costs of buying a property in Dubai 2024.