Turkish Citizenship Law Through Real Estate Investment 2025.. Latest Updates

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Turkish citizenship laws through real estate investment are subject to several reviews and amendments at each time period to be compatible with the current stage and in the near future according to what the competent authorities deem necessary

Turkish Citizenship Law  through Real Estate Investment 2025

The law granting Turkish citizenship through real estate investment was first issued in the year 2017, and then several amendments were issued to the value and conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship in subsequent years, the last of which was mid-2021, which is still in effect today, These amendments are

First – the financial condition

The law granting Turkish citizenship through real estate investment stipulates that the value of the property purchased with the aim of obtaining Turkish citizenship should not be less than 400 thousand dollars

Second: Type of property

The law granting Turkish citizenship through real estate ownership includes all types of real estate, such as residential, commercial, and industrial

While the amendment issued in late 2022 excluded agricultural real estate and real estate that cannot be granted a real estate evaluation report

Third: Legal capacity

The property that meets the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship must have a real estate title deed

The property must have a real estate evaluation stating that the property value is not less than $400,000

Fourth – Legal procedures

  • At the beginning of the year 2021, a presidential decree was issued requiring the foreign currency to be sold to the Turkish Central Bank and replaced with the Turkish currency
  • The applicant must be a nationality entitled to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate ownership
  • The property value must be paid through a bank transfer. Properties that have been sold and paid for manually are not accepted
  • The method of payment must be cash, and the property sold in installments is not accepted unless the first payment or total installments exceed $400,000 according to official receipts
  • The property must be 400 meters away from security centers and military barracks
  • The property must have a building permit and be registered in the municipality of the area in which it is located
  • The property buyer (citizenship applicant) pledged not to sell the property for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase



Turkish citizenship


What is the real estate appraisal report?

  • It is a document that shows the real market value of the property and not the number requested by the seller
  • The value of the property is determined in the report according to several factors, including the property’s location, region, area, quality, services, and the average price per square meter of real estate in the area
  • The real estate report is requested in two ways: either through a company licensed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, or through a committee emanating from the Land Registry
  • The report is sent to the property owner (seller) within one to two weeks from the date of its issuance via Turkish mail
  • The report is valid for 3 months after its issuance

Who are the foreign nationalities prohibited from owning real estate in Türkiye?

The real estate ownership law in Türkiye for foreigners was issued in mid-2012 and included 183 nationalities around the world and excluded some nationalities

  1. Syria
  2. north korea
  3. Cuba
  4. Armenia
  5. Greek Cyprus

Are there other ways through which foreign nationals who are prohibited from owning real estate can obtain Turkish citizenship?

Yes.. All foreign nationalities, including those banned, can own real estate, provided they choose another method of real estate ownership through investment

What are other ways that owners of foreign nationalities prohibited from owning property can obtain Turkish citizenship?

  1. Turkish citizenship via bank deposit
  2. Turkish citizenship by purchasing government bonds
  3. Turkish citizenship through deposit in the Individual Retirement Fund
  4. Turkish citizenship by purchasing shares
  5. Turkish citizenship through public investment




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