Who is Amlak Konut company, and what is its role in the Turkish real estate market?

إملاك كونوت

This is the translation of the text you provided. Emlak Konut is a Turkish real estate company that plays a significant role in the Turkish real estate market.


Emlak Konut is a Turkish government-owned construction and contracting company that plays a pivotal role in the Turkish real estate market.

 The Turkish real estate market boasts major Turkish construction companies with a global reputation, engaging in projects both within and outside Turkey.

including regions like Africa, Europe, and America.

Turkish companies are recognized for their strength, quality work, modern designs, and adherence to international building regulations.

incorporating the latest advancements in the construction field.

مشاريع إملاك كونوت
مشاريع إملاك كونوت

Introduction to Emlak Konut:

Emlak Konut, established in 1953, is a Turkish government-owned construction and contracting company.

It ranks among the largest companies in Turkey and is considered a significant brand in the Turkish construction and real estate market.


Emlak Konut has government partnerships and even has its own bank.

Since 2003, it has constructed over 137 properties. In 2010, it was among the top 5 companies in Turkey’s history for public offerings and was recognized for having.

the greatest public offering in the European real estate sector over the past five years.

Emlak Konut’s financial strength is evident, with a paid capital of 3.8 billion Turkish liras and total assets of 28.4 billion Turkish liras.


Services Provided by Emlak Konut:

  • Emlak Konut offers several services to Turkish and foreign individuals, as well as real estate companies, including:
  • Providing diverse installment options for residential and commercial properties.
  • Establishing unique partnerships and exclusive tenders for construction and real estate companies.
  • Operating in partnership with the Turkish government, ensuring government guarantees for all its projects.
  • Participating in the development of urban infrastructure and constructing modern residential complexes.


Significance of Emlak Konut in the Turkish Real Estate Market:

Emlak Konut’s importance lies in its projects being backed by the Turkish government’s guarantee.

This means that its projects are entirely free from any current or potential legal or judicial issues, providing security for both Turkish and foreign investors.

Emlak Konut projects hold high investment value, and many investors have benefited from profitable returns through resale or leasing.

شركة حكومية
شركة حكومية

Advantages of Emlak Konut:

Emlak Konut adheres to the quality standards set by the Turkish government for construction.

It collaborates with the Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urban Development, Climate Change, and the General Directorate of Housing.

making it an executive entity for urban transformation operations in Turkish cities.

The company focuses on creating earthquake-resistant infrastructure in line with city development plans.

Additionally its delivered residential and commercial projects showcase enduring quality and innovative designs.


Are Emlak Konut Projects Government Guaranteed?

Absolutely, all Emlak Konut projects bear the government guarantee.

This guarantees that they are endorsed by the Turkish government and are free from any legal or regulatory issues.

Consequently, Turkish and foreign investors are assured that the projects have obtained all required permits both before and after construction.

from relevant authorities, including municipal and governmental bodies.


Do Emlak Konut Projects Fulfill Turkish Citizenship Criteria?

Certainly, all Emlak Konut properties are aligned with the criteria for obtaining Turkish citizenship.

The property value must be no less than $400,000, and the property should not be sold within three years.

The projects adhere fully to legal and technical requirements for Turkish citizenship attainment.


Emlak Konut stands as a vital government-owned construction company, competing with other major players in Turkey’s construction sector.

aiming to construct distinctive real estate projects with high construction quality.

These projects include social, security, and recreational amenities, aiming to attract more individuals interested in real estate ownership in Turkey.

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  • Genia

    Awesome article.


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