Kartepe in Kocaeli .. Tourism Forum And real estate investment


Kartepe in Kocaeli is one of the Turkish regions located.

in the Sea of ​​Marmara region, which became.

an independent region in 2008.

A glimpse of the Kartepe region:

  • A rural area with a predominantly touristic nature.
  • It attracts thousands of visitors during the summer.
  • and winter seasons.
  • It includes natural and archaeological areas.
  • What makes it an incubator environment.
  • for tourism investment
  • Which made it a forum for tourism and real estate investment.
  • The region includes Mount Kartepe, which is famous.
  • as a center for winter tourism and skiing.

 where  it is Located?

  • The Kartepe region belongs to the Turkish municipality of Kocaeli.
  • It is surrounded by the Izmit region and.
  • the city of Istanbul to the west.
  • To the south-east is the Maşukiye area.
  • Lake Sapanca to the east.
  • It is connected to the E-80 and D-100 highways.
  • The banks of the Marmara Sea, 8 km from the center of Kartepe.
  • It is 72 km away from Sabiha International Airport in Istanbul.


Infrastructure in Kartepe region:

  • The Turkish government is interested.
  • in the infrastructure in Kartepe.
  • Represented by the relevant ministries and institutions
  • Especially the municipalities of Kartepe and Kocaeli.
  • By providing it with health, educational.
  • and recreational service facilities.
  • Developing its roads, bridges and tunnels.
  • Increasing public transportation means and stations.

Kartepe in Kocaeli

Health and medical:

  • A health center affiliated with Kartepe Hospital.
  • Public dispensaries
  • Family doctor
  • Government clinics
  • Private clinics.

Study and education:

  • Marmara College
  • Yunga School
  • Halise Türkkan School
  • Hasan Paşa School
  • Fatih Sultan School
  • Halise School
  • Kartepe Secondary School
  • Imam Hatip Schools

Roads and transportation:

  • E-80 and D-100 intersect in Kartepe.
  • They contribute to the operation of many public buses.
  • Which facilitates movement between.
  • the areas of Kartepe, Kocaeli and other Turkish cities.


Shopping and entertainment:

  • Fileto shop
  • Asia Home Mall
  • Çarşamba Pazarı
  • Kocaeli Mall
  • Murphy Mall

Kartepe in Kocaeli

Tourist and entertainment places:

  • Kartepe Ski Centre
  • Mount Kartepe peak.
  • Maşukiye area.
  • public parks
  • Parks
  • Blue waterfalls

Advantages of living and owning real estate in Kartepe:

  • A first-class tourist area.
  • It attracts visitors and tourists in the summer and winter seasons.
  • It includes many tourist centers and attractions.
  • It is known for its advanced infrastructure.
  • that is in line with its tourism reality.
  • A wide network of transportation linking.
  • it to the regions and cities of Istanbul.
  • Geographical proximity to the cities of Istanbul, Sakarya, Bursa.
  • Provides residential and commercial.
  • real estate complexes in various styles.
  • Kartepe real estate prices are low compared to Istanbul real estate.


Advantages of real estate investment in Kartepe:

  • A tourism reality that drives ownership.
  • and investment in real estate.
  • The diversity of real estate in Kartepe between residential, commercial and hotel.
  • Provides hotel apartments and hotels of multiple classifications.
  • The possibility of diversifying.
  • real estate investment in Kartepe according to several types.
  • Such as investing in leasing or investing in resale.
  •  Through ready properties or properties under construction.
  • The real estate market also provides kartepe.·
  • with varying styles and prices.
  • According to the property’s location, quality, area, and views.
  • Kartepe real estate achieves high investment returns.
  • thanks to the tourism reality of the region.

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