Buying an Emirati property off plan

dubai property

Buying an Emirati property off-plan is one of

he most prominent investment methods when

nvesting in UAE real estate or Dubai real estate.

What is meant by buying a property off the plan?

  • Construction companies turn when presenting
  • he idea of ​​establishing a real estate complex.
  • To sell some properties before starting construction work.
  • Even before excavation work begins.
  • After developing engineering plans and drawings.
  • Which shows the shape and design of the real estate
  • omplex and other details.
  • Such as the number of buildings and apartments
  • istribution, areas and styles.
  • In addition to social and security services and determining
  • he location and destination of the project.
  • A certain number of apartments or shops within
  • the project are offered for sale.
  • Once the required number is sold, sales stop
  • until digging and foundation work begins.

Buying an Emirati property off-plan

payment plan dubai property

Real estate project maquette:

  • It is an engineering model that comes in conjunction
  • the launch of the project plan.
  • After completing the engineering drawings
  • it is the turn to materialize the project and provide more accurate details.
  • By creating a model that shows the entrances and exits of the project.
  • In addition to the number of buildings, their height
  • their distribution, the number of floors.
  • and the orientation of the apartments
  • The views, the destination of the project.
  • and some of the landmarks surrounding it.
  • such as a highway and others.

Advantages of buying an Emirati property off plan:

  • The price of the property offered for sale on the plan is much.
  • lower than the price of the ready property.
  • The possibility of purchasing the property and paying.
  • in multiple ways (cash or installments).
  • An opportunity to get an additional discount.
  • when purchasing the property and paying in cash.
  • Obtaining a concluded and certified contract from.
  • the relevant UAE authorities.
  • With the aim of guaranteeing the buyer’s right.
  • it is also called (a promise to sell).
  • The contract constitutes a legal form and document in.
  • the hands of the buyer in the event that the construction.
  • company fails to deliver.
  • The contract specifies the delivery date and specifications of the property, including area, style, and view.
  • As well as the location of the property within.
  • the complex and on the same floor.
  • In addition to the social services provided by.
  • the complex’s management.
  • The investment value of the property increases as.
  • the construction stages move from one stage to another.
  • The property value increase rates range from 50% to 300%.
  • upon delivery.

Disadvantages of buying an Emirati property off-plan:

  • Waiting for a period of time ranging from 3 to 5 years.
  • which is the project construction period.
  • The investor does not have the right to sell his property to.
  • another investor during the waiting period, with the exception.
  • of the construction company.
  • The possibility of delays in project delivery for several weeks.
  • or months.
  • Sometimes the specifications and characteristics.
  • of real estate within the project are changed in.
  • a way that contradicts the agreement and concluded contract.
  • The construction company goes bankrupt and.
  • thus construction work stops partially or completely.

Buying an Emirati property off-plan

How do I protect myself legally when buying an Emirati property off the plan?

  • The contract is the law of the contracting parties.
  • Therefore, a contract must be concluded that contains.
  • provisions that protect both parties towards each other.
  • The investor reads the terms of the contract carefully and objects.
  • to any clause that is not in his favor before signing the contract.
  • The contract is duly certified by the concerned authority.
  • As soon as there is any delay or the property is delivered.
  • with different specifications, such as a smaller area or.
  • a second property within the complex that was not agreed upon.
  • The investor has the right to submit an official complaint to.
  • the UAE courts according to the contract signed and sealed by the construction company.
  • The judge will then consider the case and rule in.
  • favor of the injured party.
  • The construction company will be required to return.
  • the amounts paid by the investor in addition to compensating.
  • him for the losses that resulted from that.

Buying an Emirati property off-plan


Tips when buying an Emirati property off plan:

  • Dealing with a reliable real estate consultant in the UAE.
  • Note that the Golden Investment Group Company in Dubai.
  • provides real estate consulting services.
  • Inquire about the name of the construction company.
  • and its strength in the UAE contracting market.
  • Visit the site of the complex to be built and.
  • conduct a tour of its surroundings.
  • Inquire from the competent UAE authorities about.
  • the status of licenses and taboos.
  • Read the contract carefully and inquire about every.
  • flaw in it before signing it.
  • Authenticate and retain the investor’s copy.
  • Visit the construction site at intervals to monitor.
  • the progress of construction work and ensure that.
  • it is not subject to interruption or delay.
  • Request assistance from Golden Group experts in.
  • obtaining offers for an off-plan Emirati property from strong.
  • and reliable construction companies in the UAE.

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