Küçükçekmece in Istanbul..a family character and high investment importance


Küçükçekmece in istanbul district is located in European Istanbul.

With a title The first residential area in Istanbul.

This is due to its population density, motivated by.

the factors that attract residents to live and invest in it.

General location:

  • Küçükçekmece is located almost in the.
  • middle of the European side of Istanbul.
  • It works to separate the suburbs.
  • of Istanbul from the city center.
  • It is bordered to the south by the Sea of ​​
  • and in the middle is the famous lake.
  • It is bordered to the north by the Başakşehir.
  • region and to the east by the Bakırköy region.
  • and the Basin Express Road.
  • a large part of which follows Küçükçekmece.

موقع كوتشوك تشكمجة

The importance of Küçükçekmece in Istanbul:

  • Although Küçükçekmece has acquired a residential.
  • character due to housing and living factors.
  • It offers a lake, stunning nature, and recreational.
  • activities on the banks of the sea and lake.
  • Its location makes it easy to travel to the centers.
  • of Istanbul (about 25 minutes by Metrobus).
  • But in recent years, the investment character has begun to.
  • increase due to its selection.
  • by the Turkish government.
  • as a starting point for the work.
  • of the Istanbul Water Canal Project.

Basin Express Commercial Road in Küçükçekmece:

  • Experts describe Basin Express Road as.
  • the second commercial nerve.
  • of Istanbul (after Maslak).
  • Basin Express connects.
  • the city’s E-5 and E-80 highways.
  • It is one of the closest commercial routes.
  • to Istanbul International Airport.
  • Basin Express extends between 4.
  • large Istanbul municipalities:
  • Küçükçekmece.
  • Başakş
  • Mahmud Bey.
  • Bahçelievler.
  • On both sides of the road are spread major companies.
  • hotels, schools, universities and airline offices.
  • Especially after the reconstruction of the road.
  • the transfer of factories from it
  • to other areas in Istanbul.
  • and the rehabilitation of the river channel.
  • Completely develop the infrastructure.
  • of the Basin Express Road.

Küçükçekmece in istanbul


  • Residence in Küçükçekmece acquires all.
  • entertainment factors and services.
  • What the family needs because it includes.
  • the most important shopping.
  • centers in Istanbul, such as:
  • Mall of Istanbul.
  • 212 outlet.
  • Armoni Mall.
  • Arena Park.
  • Lake Küçükçekmece is surrounded by.
  • many recreational and tourist activities.
  • Which makes it a station for.
  • summer vacation and recreation.
  • Especially during holidays , such as parks.
  • Gardens restaurants and cafes.
  • Küçükçekmece has a charming nature due.
  • to its wide plant area.
  • And intertwined with the marine atmosphere.
  • of both the sea and the lake
  • It imposes a moderate climate throughout the year.
  • making it an important destination for those.
  • wishing to live in an area that.
  • combines nature, sea, and modernity.
  • And proximity to city centers at the same time.

Tourist attractions:

  • Küçükçekmece in istanbul is a destination for tourists.
  • and lovers of adventure and discovering history.
  • by visiting the “Yarimburgaz ”
  • Entertainment lovers can also.
  • visit the “Kafka Amusement Park”.
  • In addition to annexing the region.
  • to the Sefaköy Cultural Center.
  • Classic car lovers will find what they are looking for.
  • in the “Mehmet Ersoy” Museum, which includes.
  • the rarest and oldest cars.
  • The area also includes the “Florya Atatürk Palace,”.
  • which has now been transformed into a museum.
  • that receives tourists on a daily basis.
  • As for Küçükçekmece Lake.
  • it extends 10 km in length.
  • and 6 km in width.
  • Skiing shows are held there, and.
  • there are many rowing clubs.
  • It gains stunning views at sunrise and sunset.
  • as if the sun shines from it and sets in its rippling waters.

Küçükçekmece in istanbul


  • The region includes many.
  • means of transportation.
  • most notably the “Marmaray” metro.
  • It is known as the most prominent means of transportation.
  • in the city that connects its.
  • European and Asian sides.
  • through a tunnel under the waters of the Bosphorus Strait.
  • Starting from Halkalı station on the European side.
  • and ending with Pendik Station in Istanbul, Asia.
  • In addition to the subway, Metrobus.
  • buses of all types.and sizes, and taxis.

Residential complexes in Küçükçekmece:

  • Many modern residential complexes.
  • are spread in Küçükçekmece.
  • Which compete with
  • each other for the location.
  • that combines sea and lake views.
  • The quality of construction, green spaces.
  • and various options for apartments and social.
  • recreational, and technological services.

Küçükçekmece in istanbul

Istanbul Water Canal:

  • Excavation and construction of the Istanbul Water Canal.
  • began in Istanbul, starting from the north.
  • of Küçükçekmece Lake.
  • Reaching the banks of the Black Sea, to.
  • connect it with the Sea of ​​Marmara.
  • to the south via the lake.
  • and commercial ships will operate through it in 2027.
  • According to government estimates, the cost of.
  • the project reaches 25 billion dollars.
  • 56 Turkish institutions have.
  • conducted studies on soil.
  • and infrastructure under.
  • the supervision of more.
  • than 200 geologists, and the most prominent.
  • advantages of the Istanbul Water Canal are:
  • The waiting period is reduced, as ships in.
  • the Bosphorus Strait wait approximately.
  • 5 times for each crossing.
  • Reducing the waiting time for ships carrying.
  • dangerous goods such as stretchers.
  • which reaches 35 hours.
  • Reducing daily rental losses for tankers with.
  • a length of more than 200 meters.
  • where losses reach $120,000.
  • The Istanbul Water Canal will be.
  • a continuous source.
  • of income and provide job opportunities for more.
  • than half a million people.
  • Following the completion of the project.
  • one and a half million new job.
  • opportunities will be created.

Küçükçekmece in istanbul

كوتشوك تشكمجة

Investment importance in Küçükçekmece:

  • Once the Istanbul Water Canal project is.
  • approved and even before work begins.
  • Real estate and land prices surrounding.
  • the canal have begun to rise significantly.
  • It will rise more and more in the coming years.
  • which makes real estate investment.
  • in Küçükçekmece today and tomorrow a real opportunity.
  • It cannot be overlooked because.
  • the region offers broad investment horizons.
  • that achieve investors’ goals of recording.
  • high financial profitability returns.



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