7 Steps for Finding the Best Property for Sale in Turkey

البحث عن عقار

Property ownership in Turkey offers an opportunity for those seeking residenc.

as well as investors looking to put their funds into the Turkish real estate market or individuals aiming to acquire Turkish citizenship through ownership.

Regardless of the cases and goals, there are contemporary methods to search for the purpose of finding the finest property for sale in Turkey that fulfils your desires and aspirations.


It’s important to understand that the concept of the “best property for sale in Turkey” is a subjective matter that varies from person to person

based on factors such as the type of property, the purpose of purchase, and general preferences.


Golden Group Turkish Real Estate Consultancy has outlined the necessary steps during the search for the best property for sale in Turkey, which are:

العقارات التركية
العقارات التركية

Step 1: Determine the property type:


  • First and foremost, you should identify the type of property you want to own based on your main goal of real estate ownership.
  • If your goal is residential living, you should choose a residential property (apartment, villa, cottage, etc.), specifying the number of rooms and suitable space for your family members who will be residing with you.


  • If your purpose of buying is real estate investment in Turkey.
  • you have a wider range of options, such as residential properties, commercial properties like shops, offices, and companies, or tourist properties like hotels, restaurants, cafes, and vacation apartments.


  • Choosing the right property type is a crucial step in finding the best property for sale in Turkey.
  • and tangible results cannot be achieved without selecting a property that aligns with your purchasing goal.


Step 2: Research the best Turkish cities for property purchase:


  • Turkey is known for its vast geographical expanse, divided into 81 cities.
  • each with its unique characteristics. These cities vary between major and smaller ones. Notable major Turkish cities include “Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya.”
  • As for smaller cities, there’s Trabzon, Bodrum, and others. Each Turkish city has advantages that differ from others; some are tourist-oriented, some are industrial, and others are agricultural. It’s advised to choose larger cities for diverse residential and real estate benefits.


Step 3: Research suitable Turkish regions for property purchase:


  • Just as Turkey is divided into major and minor cities based on size and significance, each city is further divided into several regions according to their importance and features.
  • In Istanbul, the economic capital of Turkey, for example, you must choose the most suitable regions. Istanbul is divided into residential and investment areas.
  • as well as geographical divisions such as “central Istanbul, outskirts of Istanbul, coastal areas, natural areas and forests, Istanbul’s countryside, and suburbs of Istanbul.
  • ” Naturally, property prices vary between different areas within Istanbul and other Turkish provinces. Prices tend to be highest in city centers and gradually decrease towards the outskirts.


Step 4: Explore the best property options and offers:


  • You should search for the best options offered by Turkish construction companies, including ready-to-move properties or properties under construction.
  • This involves a comprehensive review of property details such as location, building quality, surrounding area, provided services, as well as space, style, view, floor level, room distribution.
  • delivery date, and pre- and post-purchase costs like fees and taxes. It’s important to ensure the property’s legal legitimacy by visiting the Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre in the area.


  • During the last decade, foreign investors have increasingly turned their real estate compass towards modern housing complexes, driven by their captivating designs, quality construction.
  • and a wide array of security, social, recreational, and technological services. These complexes offer a spectrum of amenities, including security personnel, surveillance cameras.
  • parking spaces, elevators, cleaning services, and landscaping, as well as indoor and outdoor playgrounds, event halls, and more. Some even incorporate smart home systems, enhancing the overall experience.


Step 5: Seek the assistance of a real estate consultant in Turkey:


  • Given the numerous options in the Turkish real estate market, it’s recommended to seek help from a reliable and experienced real estate consultant.
  • These experts provide guidance, educate clients about legal ownership and purchasing costs, and offer post-sale services like property ownership transfer, furnishing, and dealing with utilities.


Step 6: Evaluate property offers in collaboration with the consultant:


  • After receiving suitable property offers, consult your real estate advisor for guidance.
  • They will explain the pros and cons of the Turkish real estate market and the specific property your interested in.
  • The consultant will accompany you on a property tour to assess details such as location, building quality, space, style, rooms, and amenities in the surrounding area.
شراء عقار في تركيا
شراء عقار في تركيا

Step 7: Select the best property for sale in Turkey based on your preferences:


Finally, make an informed decision about purchasing a property in Turkey.

  • Consider all the property-related information provided by your real estate consultant, visit the property, listen to the expert’s advice
  • weigh the pros and cons, and then finalize your decision to buy the property. This involves signing the purchase contract with the selling party, which is often the construction company itself.
  • After signing the contract, property ownership must be officially transferred from the seller to the buyer at the Turkish Land Registry and Cadastre Directorate.


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